Category: Support

Wampei’s WordPress WooCommerce Plugin Demo

Wampei Register© works well with very WooCommerce, the world’s most popular eCommerce platform. Any customer can pay by scanning the QR code with a mobile wallet or copying the link and pasting into a web wallet. See the demo below.   For information on how to configure the plugin.

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Getting Your Funds Most merchants are familiar with handling money from the cash drawer of a register. The “Bundling” process goes something like this: 1) Close out the register (some function key or physical key) 2) Count, Collate and Bag the Cash, Checks, etc.. 3) Check totals with the report generated from the register. 4) […]

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Using Wampei WooCommerce Plugin

WooCommerce is probably the easiest way to set up a storefront using WordPress. It makes managing your business’s store and payments simple. Because so many of our customers choose to use WooCommerce it was the first third-party plugin that we provided. It’s slug is “woo-gateway-wampei-bitcoin.” It is available on github. The plugin allows a store owner to leverage […]

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